Can't Stop Me Now

I got chills.

I'll be honest, the scene got me teary-eyed for a bit.


Okay, yeah, for a while.

But I literally had to pause the movie to absorb the serious weight of the lines between the two guys.

Yes. You read that right.

Two guys.

I didn't say I was watching a romantic movie, did I?

So why did I get chills and got teary-eyed, you may ask.

So here's the thing. I was watching Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse. This happened just a while ago. I want to write it now so that the 'moment' doesn't pass and the thought doesn't slips off my mind if I decide to write it later. It's 2:40AM UAE Time. So onto the story...

The movie was great and the story arc was interesting (I haven't read the comics, though). To give you a brief background for the great scene that got me chills, I'm gonna fill you in the details leading up to the scene (SPOILER ALERT) - Peter Parker of this Earth (aka Universe E-1610) died trying to save the city from Kingpin which is trying to open a portal to get a 'copy' of his family (who died already in this Earth) from other parallel universe (yes, I know, confusing, right?). But in the process, the portal ended up bringing five more Spider-people from different universes into this Earth. Including another Peter Parker from another Earth who somehow became Miles' mentor in this superhero-ing thing - which the movie introduced as Peter B Parker, yes, that's with a 'B' in the middle. In able to get back to their respective universes, there's gotta be someone to do the work and be left behind, which Miles Morales (the newbie Spiderman of this earth, freshly bitten by a radioactive spider, blah blah, you know the rest of the story, pretty standard) volunteered to be the one. But Peter B (from the other universe) decided Miles can't control his powers yet (turning invisible and shooting electric shock through his hands/body) and wasn't ready for the task. So Peter B decided he will be the one doing it and will be left behind once the portal closes. He tied Miles onto a chair and this is where the lines got interesting.

Peter B: I know how much you want this, kid.

But you don't have it yet. I'm sorry.

Miles: When will I know I'm ready?

Peter B: You won't.

It's a leap of faith.

That's all it is, Miles.

A leap of faith.

You read that? Yeah?
I suggest you read it again one more time.
Let it sink.
You're back?

You may not get it. You may not relate to the lines at all. Or I guess you will. But for me who's trying to do something out of the ordinary, something different. Something that anyone from your family or from your friends hasn't done before. Something they can't relate to. Something they see as a scam. Something they think that you can't succeed on. To me who is pushing my limits. To me who is getting out of my comfort zone. To me who is trying to go to that place where only approximately 1% of the people do. To me - that line is everything.

What's up, danger?

Nobody said it will be easy. There will be failures. There will be hardships. There will be sacrifices. There will be adversities. And most of all, there will be risks. Risk of losing relationships. Risk of losing friendships. Risk of losing money. It will be hard. But I have to endure. For the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.

Can't stop me now.

Just keep going. Block all the noise. Let these lines be a reminder for ourselves - Don't let someone's opinion get into you. Don't let other people do the thinking for you. If you are easily influenced by what others say about you, then you will have no desire of your own. Be selective of the people you let in your circle. Surround yourself with people that are with the same mission as you and people who are in harmony with your purpose. Work in silence. For deeds, and not words, that count the most.

Am I ready for this?

Who can tell?

There's no telling?

All I know is I already made my first steps. There's no going back now. There's no other way but to move forward. Most of the time we do things when we feel that we're ready for it. But there are times that we just have to do things before we feel like we're ready for them. I may be doing small steps now. But sooner or later I have to take that leap.

And when I do, I'll rise up.

Here's a link to that great sequence where Miles decided to take the leap.
And oh, that accompanying soundtrack is sick. You'll love it.
