The Hard Choice

The story I’m about to tell you may or may not be true. I may have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

Previous Chapter: Conflict of Interest

Thursday morning. Rach has decided and sent her message to Harv. She was a bit nervous. This was evident by the way that she type her message. Her hands slightly shaking and sweaty. Until finally she hit that little blue paper airplane button on her messenger sending her words to the other side of the line.

Good morning Harv. I’ve given much thought about you taking me as your associate. Actually I’m already leaning on saying no last night but I wanna make sure that my decision will be the best for the both of us.

It is a YES and a NO.

Let’s start with the YES. I know I’m not in a position to demand things because I’m the one seeking a mentor. But if we’re gonna do this, I want to do this the best possible right way. If you’ll agree, we’ll tell Jez about this and we’ll ask for her blessing for you taking up an associate even if this is outside your firm. If Jez won’t agree, then I’ll respect her decision. It’s up to you if you’ll still wanna teach your friend with another person or alone even if you and Jez already agreed that you won’t take up more associates. But for my unsolicited advice, keep your word and stay loyal and honest with your boss and mentor and to your firm. Your word is your bond.

As for the NO, I know this is a huge and a once in a lifetime opportunity that you are offering to me but as I’ve said before I wanna build my legal career foundation in the best possible way. I don’t wanna build it with secrets and with you breaking your word. I understand that your reasons for helping lawyers that has potential but can’t afford the fee for the masterclasses and associate programs is genuinely good. I honestly think that Jez and the firm will consider your good reason. And I think that’s what the online classes was created for. To help lawyers with limited resources or to lawyers who doesn’t want to pay the price. But yes, the online classes can only teach as much and you wanna teach more. But you’re part of a firm now that is bound by rules. And rules are there for a reason. And with your firm, I assume the reasons are for the better. So again, for my unsolicited advice, keep your word and stay loyal and honest with your boss and mentor and to your firm. Your word is your bond.

So there. We’ll still cross each other’s path because as you’ve said I’m one of your indirect mentee for the online class. I hope this doesn’t change a thing between us as lawyers. I’ll always appreciate that you’ve considered me to be your associate. You already shared so much knowledge about the law and legal stuff to me in the past. And I honestly think that you’re a great mentor. You became a partner in your firm because of that. Keep inspiring other lawyers and keep the desire to teach.

For the greater good.

She was still nervous. Every minute that passed since she sent her message, her heart pounding faster. She's started doubting her decision the second she hit the 'sent' button. The inner Rach began questioning her decision. She could hear her ranting inside her head.

"What did you do, Rach? That was your golden ticket. Finally you'll learn the PSL way. And now you're turning your back on it? Are you serious? You'll never know when to get the chance again. This is your second chance. You've been rejected before. And now a mentor wants you to be his associate and what? You'll just walk away from it? Just because of one detail? Who cares if he wants you to keep it a secret? Who cares if he's breaking his word? No one would know?

"I'll know.", Rach replied to herself. "And I care. I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that I'm getting what I want by keeping the truth from people."

Rach thought that there were better ways to setup the mentorship. Sometimes the right way is not always the easy way. If circumstances are different, Rach would've accepted the mentorship. But it is what it is. Its either she sacrifice her principles in life or live by it. This time, she chose to do the latter.


Her self-dialogue was ended with the sound from her phone. It was a message from Harv. For a second she wanted to turn off her phone and forget about reading Harv's reply. But it sounded again.


And again.


Rach was waiting for more dings but it stopped. Harv has stopped replying and was finished sending his reply. There was a quick silence before Rach master all the courage to pick up her phone and read the message.

"Good morning. Thanks, Rach. No worries. I apologize for the mess. I accept your No and respect your decision.", there was a serious tone in Harv's message.

There was pinch in Rach's chest. She felt relieved but at the same time she was hurting. For a moment she thought that Harv would agree on her first condition. It was what she wanted. To be mentored by a PSL. But she assumed wrong. Again.

Another opportunity passed. But what did Rach gain from this? Another opportunity for self-growth. To move forward with more wisdom. With each door closed, she grows stronger and becomes better.

Her journey continues.


Her second gateway has closed.

On to the next.
