Opportunity Knocks

The story I’m about to tell you may or may not be true. I may have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

It was a Wednesday afternoon.

The courtroom have just resumed it's afternoon session.

Rach had just finished her lunch when Harv sent him a message

"Hey Rach, you live in and work in Paoay?", Harv asked out of nowhere.

Rach and Harvey normally chat about law stuff and less about personal things like where they live or work. So Rach was puzzled when Harv asked if she's from Paoay. But she replied anyway.

"Yes Harv!", Rach quickly replied. But there was no reply from Harv after. Rach just went back to sitting-in on some of the trials.

The afternoon session of the courtroom finally closed when Rach remembered Harv's message. Still puzzled by the question, Rach followed up.

"Why did you ask?"

Harv apologized for the late reply and said he was busy filling up his calendar for the next day and then asked Rach, "May lagi ka bang nakaka-usap about your law study sa mga PSLs, aside from me?".

Rach has been chatting about her study with several PSL lawyers but these guys were not as engaging as Harv when it comes to replying to Rach's questions. Rach also mentioned that it was Jez Pasion (the P in PSL) who Rach always talk to when it comes to her studies. Not only about her specific cases but about her law study in general.

 "And you haven't found any support group yet, right?", Harv asked. He knows about Rach's story. As Harv kind of serves as Rach's indirect mentor the way they talk about her study. Harv knew that Rach was looking for a mentor and an accountability partner for her law studies.

"Do you have any plan on joining PSL?", Harv quickly followed up.

Rach was beginning to see where this conversation is going but she tried not to assume anything. She continued with the conversation. She told Harv that he applied for Jez's Masterclass before. She got shortlisted but didn't make it in the final cut. Thinking that the topic may splash a pint of sadness in their conversation, Harv was quick to lift Rach's spirit by saying that there's always a next batch. Rach agreed.

"Maybe that door is not for me. There will be other doors that are bound to open up for me.", Rach said with a cheer tone. "There's always the next batch for PSL mentorship."

"Actually, there's still an open opportunity. But I'm not just sure if you'll be interested in it.", Harv announced.

Rach's suspicion grew when she read Harv's message. She knew that Harv is up to something. What it is exactly? She doesn't know yet. She wouldn't asked those personal questions for nothing. But Rach tried to be cool and not freak out about what she was thinking.

"Ain't PSL have a freeze-hiring right now?", Rach innocently asked.

"Yes, but what I'm referring to is different. This one is outside PSL." Harv explained.

He told Rach about his friend asking to be mentored with his law studies and Harv was thinking of getting him a classmate. Both of them will be his own associate outside the firm. He will nurture them himself but he no longer want his associate to join the firm after.

The Teacher and the Student.

But there's the problem. Although Rach wants to be a successful lawyer. She only want it to be with PSL. She have tried many firms before but those firms have failed her expectations. PSL made her want to leave those other firms.

"Can I know the reason, Harv?" Rach worriedly asked. She needed to know. She needed all the details she can get if she's gonna do this with Harv.

"It's because I'll teach you everything. And will provide you with a support group. But it's up to you, if you want to join PSL, this one is not for you.", Harv explained.

Rach tried to ask why Harv chose him. "Why me?", Rach was so sure that there are tons of students who are getting help from Harv. He is quite a popular partner in PSL. Yet Harv chose her.

He told her that he saw Rach's perseverance. Harv have seen Rach's activity in their PSL's study group and have followed her mock trials. He told her that in all of the law students that Harv gave a precedent case study assignment, only two have finished the task. The first one being his first associate to got in PSL.

"Is this Mick?", Rach jokingly asked.

"Yes. How do you know that? There are only a few who knows this stuff.", Harv was surprised.

Somewhere in their social media post or comments, Rach managed to found out that the two are mentor and associate.

After that, Rach asked if it is necessary not to join PSL after class. It was her first concern about the Harv's offer. It is in PSL, where the best lawyers are. It is just right for Rach to aim for PSL if she wants to be the best lawyer she can be.

"You're still free to apply. But I don't think you'll be needing them.", Harv told Rach. "If you're interested, send me a private message to know more. We're planning on starting next week. I'll just take a nap."

"One more thing, don't share it to anyone. I don't want to mentor people whom I really don't know. People might bombard me with mentorship request. And also, PSL is in freeze-hiring now, we are not suppose to take associates anymore. It just so happen that I have a friend that asked to be mentored and I need someone to be his classmate and as a support group.", Harv explained.

Rach quickly became worried. She was thinking, if PSL does have freeze hiring, then why was Harv still willing to take another two associate?

"OK Harv, I want to know more about the details. But I'll be honest with you now, the idea of not joining PSL if I get to be you associate is kinda off . I know this is a big opportunity that you are offering to me, that's why I'm very interested and want to know the details. But for now, take your nap and I'll take mine, haha."

"Thank you for believing in me, Harv.", said Rach.

"Alright. Please make this confidential. Trust and confidence. Anyway, if you decline now and you managed to join PSL in the future, I'll be also one of your mentor inside the firm. Which ever path you'll take, we'll see each other inside PSL. Alright, I'll take my nap now.", Harv ended the conversation.

Next Chapter: Conflict of Interest
