Conflict of Interest

The story I’m about to tell you may or may not be true. I may have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

Previous Chapter: Opportunity Knocks 

"I’m just curious. Did Micky make it in PSL?” Rach asked.

She never expected for Harv to reply as she thought Harv was still in his nap.

"Yeah. He's my last associate to get in PSL.” Harv replied.

Rach thought of something. If Micky made it in PSL as Harv's associate, maybe she can, too. So she asked, "How did Micky got in?"

"He was the last associate that's been accepted in PSL. It was a long story. But Jez wanted something from him. A task. That's how he got in.", Harv narrated.

Normally, that's one way you get in PSL. Aside from the regular applicants from law school grads who battle for a slot in the associate program, each partner in the firm has a privilege to get their own random associate. Provided he sees the character and spirit needed to be a successful lawyer.

"But that practice is gone now. PSL no longer allow partners to pick their own associate. I have mentored associates who are outside PSL though.” Harv explained. He has read Rach's thought. The thought of getting in PSL by agreeing to be Harv's associate is also gone now. The program has been dead. But Rach want to know the details anyway.

So she asked, "Can I know the details? The what, when, where and how? Will you teach me the PSL way?"

"Can't disclose anything more than that, I'm afraid.” Harv said jokingly.

Harv explained some of the details. He will be sharing and teaching the PSL way completely. Rach got excited but was thinking if she should ask about the catch. Mentorship usually comes with a 'fee'.

"So are you interested?” Harv asked Rach.

Rach was still thinking. She's excited but at the same time she's doubtful, for a reason she doesn't know.

"Don't worry, being interested doesn't mean it's a go.” Harv added.

Who on earth would say no for this big opportunity? A chance to learn the PSL way of law practice. Most lawyers only dream of learning it. Some attempted to join PSL but failed. Some already joined and taught but still failed. The ones left are only the elite. Only lawyers with the right mind set, character and spirit are able to survive and practice the PSL way. But Rach is not feeling good about it. Maybe it's because of the strange incident with Luith Lith of PSL. Maybe. But whatever it is, Rach is still undecided.

So she asked, "Can I sleep on it? You kind a caught me off-guard. I really didn't expect this."

"OK, I'll share you the details to help you decide. But can I have your word that you'll tell no soul about this? Again, this mentorship is not allowed and will be no direct relation to PSL. I just want to tell you that directly. For the reason that we are not allowed to teach students outside PSL.” Harv explained with a serious tone.

Rach saw this as an opportunity to also be direct to Harv and asked a serious question.

"Can I also be honest with you, Harv? If you're not allowed to teach students outside PSL, then why do you still want to take me and your friend as students?” Rach asked directly.

"Good question.” Harv said.

He explained how this was supposed to be a part of his things to do for last year. He aim to take a last batch of associate of his own before focusing on PSL's own mentoring program and masterclass and to focus on other PSL project. But a friend asked Harv for a favor since last year. This was supposed to be his last. So he thought Rach would be interested to be taught together with Harv's friend.

"What's up with the 'don't tell anyone' then?” Rach asked, for her that line seems to be a red flag.

"Yeah, about that, my bad. It sounded like a scam. Haha.” Harv laughed.

Then he explained. The mentorship has nothing to do with PSL. It will be Harv's personal project. He mentioned that Jez knows that he has associates outside the firm and have met some of them. They are like Harv's little support group outside the firm.

"Anyway, if you're not interested. I suggest you go with the official associate program or try again with Jez's masterclass. I'll still reply to you if you have questions since I'm a mentor in your online study group. You're an indirect mentee to me since you're enrolled there.” Harv said.

Rach can sense that he was trying to end the conversation. But Rach still threw some questions. She want to know why they can't say it to any PSL or to Jez if this is outside PSL in the first place. Rach knew that this is a one time opportunity that Harv was offering. But she also want to make sure that both of them won't get in to trouble by not telling this to Jez or any PSL.

"Jez already told me not to take more students. But this is a friend who asked for my favor. Jez wants me to focus on mentoring PSL associates instead. I already agreed to that. But no trouble at all. If you pass, I'll still take my friend as my own associate and mentor him. I can mention it to Jez but I'm sure he'll get mad.", Harv explained.

"Isn't it better to be honest and tell Jez instead of keeping it a secret?” Rach said. Trying to convince Harv to do the right thing. "What's so special with this friend that you are willing to break your word to Jez?” Rach laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to turn the topic on you."

"Wow, you're putting me on the spotlight here,” Harv joked. "Let me put it this way, the reason I'm teaching associates outside the firm is because not every lawyer can make it in PSL. There are tons of lawyers sending me messages. That way I get to filter people with big potential. But unfortunately, PSL can only hire as much.” Harv explained. Even if they aren't talking face to face, Rach can sense Harv's thirst to teach from his message. "Even if Jez finds out, that won't stop from teaching others about the law. Even indirect associates. I'm still helping them. Even if it's not allowed. Where not supposed to answer in depth topic but we still do it. It's because we love teaching. Even if a random lawyer asks me a question, I'll give them answers." This time, Rach was moved. She tried to understand Harv's situation.

"Tell me if I'm wrong. Maybe you feel this way because you joined PSL before it was a registered firm. No rules yet to follow. And now that PSL is a registered firm, you feel like the rules are limiting. Unlike before that you can do exceptions like take students outside PSL.” Rach said, trying to sympathize Harv's thoughts.

"Exactly!” Harv confirmed. "Anyway, Rach, apologies if I mess your night with this. Not meant to do that. I was just offering a possible way to teach you without the need of joining the firm. As for the fee, it will be very minimal thought, for a charity cause of your choice. The reason is I experienced teaching for free but people don't appreciate and treasure it. That's why I'm emphasizing that this will be outside the firm. When Jez issued the warning for teaching students outside the firm, that was the end of it."

"Got it, Harv.” Rach confirmed. "Can I just take my dinner? I'm starving already."

"Yeah, go.” Harv said. I'll take mine too."

Next Chapter: The Hard Choice
