Everyone Has A Lesson To Teach

Hello again! I don't know if you've noticed, I've been out of the troll world for quite some time and focused on myself instead. The journey after finishing my classes was very challenging. And the bear and sideways market didn't offer any relief. But overall, it was a satisfying year for me. All efforts given were worth it. Slowly getting back in writing. I'll try to share some thoughts and insights from my experience from time to time.




Yes. I enrolled in the ZFT programs to be mentored. But little did I know that the mentor I will get is not just a one 'person' - but the whole community.

For the past year of being around TR and ZFT, I got the to observe and learn from my 'mentors'.

When I started trading and searched the internet for answers, I always come across this line -

"Find a mentor."

But what really is a 'mentor'?

Mentor - is a person who trains and guides someone - vocabulary.com.

Naturally, the first couple of persons that pops in your mind are Zeefreaks, Yuri, Cosmos or Maity Gee. Because by title, they are 'Mentors' in ZFT and TR.

But one thing that I realized from my stay and serving in the TR community is - the actual mentors were not the only ones 'who trained and guided me' as I grew into the trader I am now. The whole community also did.

I wrote before how an Accountability Partner helped me when I was just starting with my journey. But this - being in a larger community - with like-minded people that are full of positivity is a whole different level.

I learn from everyone's experience and everyone learns from mine. From the past months of being in TR, everyone became my mentor - my buddy and accountability group, my masterclass community, the Technical Intensive graduates, and the students from Blueprint.

These beautiful people gave me advise and feedback when I needed it. They cheered on my wins and throw some ice-cold hard truths when I needed correcting.

If we will just stick with the definition of the word mentor, then everyone can 'act' as a mentor because everyone has something to teach you. By being in the community, I was subconsciously picking up habits and lots of other learnings from the people I surround myself with - be it their lessons from personal failures or success. We are not defined by a mentor/mentee relationship. We don't need to put a label on it. When we are trading, we are all equal and we are all students of the market.

Yes. Having an actual "mentor" helps you grow faster in your journey. But why stop there? Your actual mentors might not have all the answers you need. Why not find these 'answers' from a variety of different people and grow your knowledge and experience by a thousand folds. Everyone has a lesson to teach. Find a community. Find new people and learn from them, too.

Learning is a never-ending journey. Pursue on your quest of self-improvement. Find the right people and the right community. And if you get it right, you'll feel it. Then you'll never have to search for another ever again.
