Into the Light

I tried to recreate the story from a Hunter X Hunter. Specifically the Hunter Exam Arc. The story I’m about to tell you may or may not be true. I may have tried to recreate events, locales, and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I may have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

First part of the story - The Dark Tunnel


They were running for ages.


For a moment Gaer thought that the tunnel started to slope up. And every hour or so, Keefs was constantly picking up the pace of his strides. A few more hours later, they were already going up a series of steps. Some applicants were already starting to drop out. Other people were already preying on and crushing rookies along the way.

At one point Gaer noticed people started taking off some of their clothes. Some have dropped their bags and belongings. Gaer saw one threw all of his belongings and went on running with just his laptop. And as soon as Gaer realized what the other people were doing, he decided to drop all the baggage that was slowing him down. One by one. Item by item. He had to let go of the things that he deemed not necessary for the journey and to lighten up his load for him to make it to the top. He just held on to the most essential things with him and kept following their guide to the end of the tunnel.

A few more moments, Gaer could already see the light at the end of the dark tunnel but the steps were getting steeper and steeper. With his remaining strength, Gaer tried to keep on climbing up the steps of the tunnel. He had run past people that were already on their knees. Some were already groveling, already expended but still unwilling to let go of their heavy baggage. Some already gave up as if their willpower have already abandoned them.

“Just a tad bit more,” Gaer boosted himself. “Just a tad bit.”

For a moment he thought to quit. Stop the pain and just wait for another turn next year. But no, he gathered all his strength and leaped his way up through the last few steps. Doing his strides three risers at a time. Squinting his eyes as he went nearer to the open door at the end of the tunnel. And with his first step outside, he felt the icy breeze grazed his face. He could only feel it. The light from the setting sun was too blinding to open up his eyes and see where he was.

“That makes it six,” he heard Keefs' unruffled voice.

He tried to keep his eyes shut. Still adapting to the light outside, Gaer heard people clapping slowly and softly. Some were weeping from both the bliss and weariness from the grueling journey to the gateway. He could hear some of them still trying to catch their breaths. He can just see a glimpse of their silhouettes as he tried hard to see through to the light. He lay on the floor just to try to regain some strength.

“Currently there are only six of you who passed," Keefs pronounced. "Meldaer here will be your companion throughout the next phase and will be the seventh member of this batch, regard him as part of the group” Keefs explicated.

Another one hopeful had just made it through the gate.

“That’s eight,” Keefs counted.

“Listen!" He called with a stern voice.

"You applicants finally left the dark and depressing tunnel and finally stepped into the light. You are wise to leave your baggage behind. You won’t need them anymore in facing the harsh environment outside,” Keefs paused as another person passed through the gate and lay flat on the floor catching for his breath,

“Nine,” he uttered. Gaer can hardly recognized the guy that was clad in black. The guy was wasted. He was with him in the elevator room.

“The test isn’t over yet. The next challenge is to follow me through the Swindler’s Swamp,” Keefs resumed.

“Ten,” He whispered again as another one appeared through the gate. This one was still clutching his tattered laptop.

Keefs eyed at Meldaer and gave him a nod. Giving the signal to close the gateway. He pulled the large metal lever and the heavy iron gate started to move until it closed with a loud clunk. Out of 179 aspirants, ten people made it through the gateway.

“Understand this. I want to make it abundantly clear that once we enter the fog of the swamp and, in any event, you are to lose sight of me, you have little to no hope or whatsoever of reaching the second phase of the exam. The swamp is home to the ferocious beast that feasts on inexperienced traders. It will use every trick in the book to fool its prey. If you're deceived, you'll surely die. You’ve been warned.” Keefs said with a grim on his voice.

“Now let’s begin.”
