
I grew up missing a father figure. He was working overseas back then. He went back home for good when I was in 4th grade. A short time after that my parents got separated. Of course we didn't knew it back then, we were just kids. We moved places several times. I had to transfer schools four times. That's why I have few solid friends because I was always the 'transferee guy' that was late in party or the one to have to leave early.

The way I grew up and the situation I am in right now pushed me to start a change. I want to break the my-kids-are-my-retirement-plan culture starting with my own family. Not that I'm complaining about my situation. I can't blame my parents. I think they've done as much as they can to raise us. But what I really want is for me to be able to support our own family and our parents now but as the same time be financially stable enough to not burden my children to support us when we retire. So that my children can focus on building their life and take the steps that they'd like to take without them worrying about supporting us. My vision is to retire at 40. I want to be financially sound 10 years from now so that I can quit the corporate/overseas worker world and be home and focus on what matters. My family. My wife and my kid.

This video ad might help you to better understand me - 'Worst parents in the world'

My big goal is to build my financial foundation now so that I can make multiple streams of income and retire by 40 or atleast go home for good and stop being an overseas worker. I plan to invest in condos and rent them out. 5-10 units can give me a consistent passive income to support our parents and my own family. I plan to be a full time trader to be able to achieve time and financial freedom.

Maybe do design consulting on the side. What? I still love sketching ideas from time to time.

My goal is ambitious for someone that didn't have the privilege of money at an early age. Most people smirk when they hear what my goals are. A few understands. If I want to achieve my goal, I need to surround myself with the few people that has the same big goal as me. I need to walk with these people that will push me and challenge me to not only be a better trader, but to be a better person in general.

These are my goals and these are my plans. For a goal without a plan is only a dream.

It's gonna be a long journey to the top. I better get started.
