An Opening

His post reads...

"As promised, I'll be officially Mentoring again. And because I want things to be extra special moving forward, I partnered up with to take things to a whole new level of awesome. Please read the whole album for proper context.

Applications will close on Nov 30, 2018"

Shiz! I gotta get in.

This is it. I already missed the last mentorship batch. I'll make sure I'll be in this one.

I quickly scanned through the album of slides explaining the details. All details seems fine until I got to the money part. The amount sent a twitch somewhere in me while I imagining me explaining this to my wife. "That's more than half of your total port capital, saan mo kukunin yan?", I told myself.

But money is the least of my worries. Getting in is.

I clicked the link for the application forms and filled the first few information needed. As I advance through actual questionnaires and read them, but then I paused. I figured I needed time to answer those questions. They were not a simple yes-no questions. They required me to sit down and reflect on who I am. Both as a person and as a trader. They were mo re like a Miss-Universe-ish questions. They were put there to make you tell your story.

And tell my story, I did.

I came back to the questionnaires after a hard day's work. I sat down and reflected as I try to honestly tell my story through my answers. I finished the first page. Then another set of questions made me pause again. It took me another few nights before I completely answered all the questions. Not because the are too many questions but I took my time to answer each of them because I really want to get in.

I want to learn their way.

I want to be mentored.

But more importantly, I want my mentor to be him.

All I have to do is convince him to want me as his student.

PS: Breather still in effect. Hasn't trade since. But 30-day snoozed on trading pages/people on social media has expire.
